Lisa Goudzwaard

I am Lisa Goudzwaard orthomolecular nutritionist. I give nutritional advice for several healthproblems. With my knowledge and as experience expert I know what it’s like to fight for years with your health, looking for an answer.

I have worked for 25 years as a chef in restaurants and I give cooking classes since 2004. In 2012 I wanted to put my focus on food and health and started an college education Nutrioninal Food Advice and after that I also did Orthomolecular Nutrition which I completed in 2016. The year when I started with giving foodadvice to clients.

I started these courses because I had healthissues myself. Read on about my issues and interest in the lower section.

Female health

Women have hormonal fluctuations, that’s normal. In studies for healthcare general healthcare focusses mainly on men because women were not representable because of these fluctuations. Because of this treatment is based on male bodies, and female health can sometimes be in danger because of this. Complaints are not recognized. 

My complaints were hormonal migraine. I used to have PMS, with every upcoming menstruation I wanted to quit my relation. I was angry and depressed. (I can tell you now that after 22 years we are still together and happier then ever!) 

In 2014 a got burnout. I had to make mental choices. Since I made the choices my PMS was gone! This shows how important the mind is for hormonal balance. I use this in my treatment. You can’t separate the mind from the body, it’s a whole.

With women I use the hormonal balance as  is an important indicator for your health. I treat women with menopausal problems, PMS and burnout. A lot of women experience more severe menstrual problems in the beginning of the peri-menopause and a lot of women get a burnout because of these hormonal changes. The stress, fysical and mental, around the age of 40 can be so high the body can’t cope with it anymore.

I give nutritional advice for a healthy hormonal balance. Being overweight is part of the problem. When the body is hormonally in balance,you will find it’sa lot easier to loose weight.. 

Burnout and menopausal problems cause a lot of work-related absence. Do you want a seminar or training in your company to teach your staff how to improve their health, then please contact me. I can help to  reduce absenteeism by informing.


Histamine intolerance

Histamine intolerance is becoming increasingly common. Histamine can’t be broken down or there to much release of histamine because of too many mastcells which release histamine. This causes complaints like itchting, running nose, headache, migraine, fatique. 

I have searched a lot myself and discovered histamine intolerance. Causes of histamine intolarance are leaky gut, Candida, amalgam fillings.  I changed my eating habits and my health as a whole with the main focus on healing my gut and getting rid of toxines in my body by supporting my liver.  

My complaints are a lot less now. I know what caused my problems. Which is more or les different with everyone and I can help you discover yours by looking at your health hisotry and your current state of health.

We use test to do research to see if there yeasts, parasites of bad bacteria. And  with skinproblems we also look at your liver. 

I work with natural foods and supplements.

It has cost me 30 years of my live to find out what was the rootcause of my healthproblems.  There were several disturbances, fysical and mental. Please do not accept your burdon and mak an end to suffering and start healing. Life is to short to suffer.


As a child I had severe abdominal cramps once every two three months. I loved choucroute, sugar, chocolate and salami. We didn’t know anything about the influence of food on your health. Guthealth, histamine, bacteria, don’t make me laugh!  

When I was 13 I also got stomach ache. I had to eat bread every hour otherwise i had stomach cramps. I didn’t know about stress, highschool and bad eating habits, low stomachacid..and kept eating lots of bread and sugar.

When I was 22 I started to have enormous sneezing periods after I ate sugar. I still did not know anything about guthealth. It was 1991. i had no allergy according to my gp. So i was alright….

In 2008, I was 37, had to children age 8 and 10, I knew I had candida and treated myself for it. Which helped for the fatique, sneezing, feeling nautious. But I still had issues whene I didn’t stick to the diet or when I stopped probiotics. 

Only when I started looking into nutrional science and started my education, I puzzled out all the blocks and started working on my gut and liver.

The last years, after my education I did a lot of selfstudy, I found out that I had the discipline to read many books and research studies.  Every morning at 6:00 I woke up and couldn’t wait to read and write (actually I still do, I am a little bit a foodhealth nerd, I just love it, it my detective series) 

At this moment I feel fine, I do have histamine intolerance, can’t always eat chocolate (only with an empty histamine bucket) But I can eat almost anything.


Ervaringen van de deelnemers van de Lentedetox

In voorjaar van 2017 organiseerde ik een lentedetox, een greep uit de reactie van de  deelnemers:


In september 2017 starten we met een nieuwe groep om de zomerpondjes er weer af te eten, houd de website in de gaten voor nieuwe data.

Marijke Molenkamp

Ik voelde me fitter, mijn darmen waren rustiger. Had na de detox controle van mijn bloeddruk,hij was voor het eerst sinds 10 jaar gezakt! Halverwege de week weer een bakje koffie genomen,. Had eerder moeten beginnen met minderen. Leuke bijkomstigheid...2 kg lichter!

Diana van den Berg

Ik voel me nu tevreden als ik gegeten heb, de rest van de dag heb ik minder snoep neigingen. Ik heb nu een betere richtlijn voor mijn voeding om het zo te houden.

Natasja Visser-Tsen

Ik voel me na de detox frisser en ben een kilo afgevallen. Ik ben ook bewuster met voeding bezig.


2015 Voedingsdeskundige, Civas

2016 Orthomoleculaire voeding, Civas 


2014 Schildkliercongres Mary Shomon

2014 diverse lezingen over Hormonen en vrouwengezondheid

2017 Cursus Laboratoriumonderzoek voor ontlasting, Dr. Saskia van As